Source code for sci_watch.watcher.watcher

from tenacity import retry, stop_after_attempt, wait_exponential

from sci_watch.parser.query import Query
from sci_watch.source_wrappers.abstract_wrapper import SourceWrapper
from sci_watch.source_wrappers.document import Document
from sci_watch.utils.logger import get_logger

LOGGER = get_logger(__name__)

[docs]class Watcher: """ Watcher class that monitors multiple sources given a query """ def __init__(self, query: Query, sources: list[SourceWrapper]) -> None: """ Parameters ---------- query: Query A query to run on multiple sources sources: list[SourceWrapper] Sources to monitor """ self.query = query self.sources = sources @retry( stop=stop_after_attempt(6), wait=wait_exponential(6, 120), ) def _exec_query_on_source( self, query: Query, source: SourceWrapper ) -> list[Document]: """ Get relevant documents from one source given one query. It runs the `update_documents` for the given source Parameters ---------- query: query The keyword query to run on the source source: SourceWrapper A subclass of SourceWrapper to retrieve potentially relevant documents Returns ------- list[Document] A list of relevant documents """ relevant_documents = [] source.update_documents() for retrieved_doc in source.documents: if query.eval_with_document(retrieved_doc): retrieved_doc.from_query = self.query.title relevant_documents.append(retrieved_doc) LOGGER.debug( "For source %s, got %i documents", source.__class__, len(relevant_documents), ) return relevant_documents
[docs] def exec(self) -> list[Document]: """ Execute the query on all sources Returns ------- list[Document]: List of relevant documents from all sources """ relevant_documents = [] for source in self.sources: source_docs = self._exec_query_on_source(query=self.query, source=source) relevant_documents.extend(source_docs) if len(relevant_documents) == 0: LOGGER.warning( "Got 0 documents after running exec on the Watcher with query %s", self.query.title, ) else:"Retrieved %i relevant articles/blogs", len(relevant_documents)) return relevant_documents