Source code for sci_watch.parser.tree_node

from __future__ import annotations

[docs]class Node: """ Custom Node class used in replacement of Lark nodes """ def __init__( self, type: str, value: str, start_pos: int, end_pos: int, children: list[Node] = None, search_scope: str = None, ) -> None: """ Parameters ---------- type: str Type of the node (e.g. and_clause) value: str Value of the current node start_pos: int Start position (in the raw content of the query) of the subquery defined by this node end_pos: int End position (in the raw content of the query) of the subquery defined by this node children: list[Node] Children of this node search_scope: str Search scope for this node (content, title, or both) """ self.type = type self.value = value self.start_pos = start_pos self.end_pos = end_pos self.search_scope = search_scope self.children = [] if children is None else children self.bool_value = None def __repr__(self) -> str: return "Node(%r, %r, %r, %r, %r, %r)" % ( self.type, self.value, self.search_scope, (self.start_pos, self.end_pos), self.bool_value, self.children, )
[docs] def pretty(self, _indentation: str = "", query: str = "") -> str: """ Pretty print method Parameters ---------- _indentation: str Current indentation level query: str Query raw string to be printed Returns ------- str: Pretty representation of the tree using indentations """ green_color = "\033[92m" red_color = "\033[91m" reset_color = "\033[0m" # Format the entire node with color node_color = ( green_color if self.bool_value else red_color if self.bool_value is not None else reset_color ) if len(query) > 0: node_repr = ( f"{node_color}Node({self.type}, value={self.value}, scope={self.search_scope}, " f"subquery={query[self.start_pos: self.end_pos]}, {self.bool_value}{reset_color}" ) else: node_repr = ( f"{node_color}Node({self.type}, value={self.value}, scope={self.search_scope}, " f"{self.bool_value}{reset_color}" ) # Construct the pretty representation of the node result = f"{_indentation}{node_repr}, [\n" child_indentation = _indentation + " " for child in self.children: result += child.pretty(_indentation=child_indentation, query=query) result += f"{_indentation}])\n" return result